BOC Sciences designs, manufactures and supplies advanced water treatment technologies to manufacturing facilities in the chemical, life sciences, food and beverage, oil and gas, paper and textile industries everywhere. We can also work with municipal drinking water and wastewater treatment plants to provide advanced water technologies to increase the treatment capacity of their existing processes.
1. Agricultural production
In the process of developing agriculture, a lot of fertilizers and pesticides are used to meet the needs of agricultural production, and there is an overuse of them. In the livestock breeding process, the urine and manure of livestock and poultry can also cause water pollution.
2. Daily production
Human daily life activities will produce a lot of domestic waste and wastewater, which is also a source of pollutants.
3. Industrial production
Industrial production involves very complex technology and a variety of materials, which contain many toxic substances, which will cause pollution if there is a substandard discharge.
BOC Sciences has over many years of experience in the water and wastewater treatment industry, offering a wide range of physical, desalination and biological treatment systems. With excellent design experience and manufacturing capabilities, we are capable of completing a wide range of difficult water treatment projects according to customer requirements.
BOC Sciences has a highly professional and dedicated team of engineers, and with the support of our partners, we are able to provide complete process solutions to meet our customers' needs. Currently we can provide the following technical services:
BOC Sciences' scientific skills in design and application ensure that each treatment system effectively meets all of your tertiary water or wastewater treatment requirements. From drinking water to industrial wastewater, our solutions can reduce your operating costs and create a cleaner, safer world for people.
Our water technologies can be used to treat a variety of water treatment applications. When we understand the nature of your wastewater and your ultimate water quality goals, our water treatment experts can advise you on how best to proceed with water treatment.
Removing color, taste and odor from wastewater in many applications.
Removal of harmful organic micro-pollutants to very low levels.
Recycle wastewater for irrigation or cleaning .
The final "finishing" step for wastewater before it is discharged to the sewer or the environment.
BOC Sciences has a team of experts in water technology solutions, supporting advanced technology research and keeping abreast of the latest water treatment technologies. We are committed to supporting industrial water and environmental compliance requirements through our range of cost effective project solutions that meet stringent regulatory requirements.
Our technical team comprises professional engineers who have been engaged in water treatment area for years. Their expertise and experience provide exceptional water treatment solutions and services for global clients.
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