Coagulant Testing

Coagulant Testing

The larger coarse suspended particles in the sewage can be removed by natural sedimentation, but the more minute suspended particles, even some harmful chemical ions, especially colloidal particles settle very slowly, and even in the water to maintain a long-term dispersion of the suspended state and can not naturally sink, it is difficult to use the natural sedimentation method from the water to separate and remove. BOC Sciences provides organic coagulant, aluminum salt coagulant, inorganic coagulant, tap water coagulant, aluminum sulfate coagulant, polymer coagulant, biological coagulant, water purification coagulant and other coagulant testing services, and can issue coagulant test reports. Our testing experience and testing equipment are complete.

The Role of Coagulant

Coagulant into the water, most can provide a large number of positive ions. Positive ions can neutralize the negative electricity carried by the surface of colloidal particles, so that their inter-particle repulsive force is reduced, so that it is easy to approach and coalesce into flocculent fines, to achieve the process of destabilizing and coalescing fine colloidal particles in water into tiny fines. Tiny particles through the adsorption, tape and bridge to form a larger floc precipitation down, to achieve the purpose of separation from the water. The use of coagulants to treat sewage integrated mixing, reaction, coagulation, flocculation and other nine processes.

Coagulants are used to treat sewage Fig.1 Coagulants are used to treat sewage.

Testing Services

The coagulant testing services offered by BOC Sciences include not only the testing of various types of coagulants, but also the evaluation of coagulants for better sample development.

Coagulant detection range

Coagulant detection includes organic coagulants, inorganic coagulants and polymer coagulants.

Inorganic coagulants have inorganic class, alkali class, solid fine powder class and other distinctions.

Organic coagulants have anionic and cationic type.

Polymer coagulant according to the different degrees of polymerization can be divided into high polymerization coagulant and low polymerization coagulant, different degrees of polymerization and cationic, anionic and non-ionic, polymer coagulant also has organic and inorganic class.

Coagulant evaluation service

  • Evaluation of coagulant technical indicators of the standard
  • Inorganic coagulant technical standards include 4 types of indicators.

    (1) Effective indicators, including the mass fraction of aluminum, iron and salinity.

    (2) identification indicators, p H and density, can qualitatively identify whether such products.

    (3) harmful components, mass fraction of insoluble substances.

    (4) toxicological indicators, including elements such as lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury and arsenic.

  • Economic evaluation of coagulants
  • In the coagulant after the technical indicators, economic evaluation is also essential. Evaluation method is based on coagulation test to make a variety of coagulation dosage and removal effect of the curve, the equivalent dosage of each coagulant on the curve, and then according to the unit price of coagulant, calculate the cost of each coagulation per 100 t of water and compare.

  • Evaluation of the use of performance
  • Evaluation of the use of performance includes:

    (1) transportation and storage.

    (2) the stability of the product and dilution dosing.

    (3) the use of the environment, labor intensity, corrosion.

    The above is the introduction of testing services on coagulant testing, only part of the test samples and testing projects.

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