Chlorine is a toxic disinfectant that is added to tap water in large quantities to sterilize it. In particular, when boiling water, chlorine reacts with putrescine in the water to produce trichloromethane, an internationally recognized carcinogen. BOC Sciences can provide analysis of various disinfectant indicators, including free residual chlorine, effective chlorine and chloramines in chlorine disinfectants, etc. BOC Sciences is qualified as an inspection and testing organization for disinfectant product testing, and the disinfectant test reports issued can be used for filing disinfectant solutions, which are recognized by local health supervision offices.
The main indicators for disinfectants in drinking water are free residual chlorine, effective chlorine in chlorine disinfectants, chloramine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, and chlorate. The following are the specific test methods and precautions for the determination of these six indicators.
1. Free residual chlorine test
Free residual chlorine can be determined by spectrophotometry and tetramethylbenzidine colorimetric method.
When measuring: you can use arsenite or sulfur instead of acetyl to exclude the interference of monochloramine, by doing the water sample blank deduction method to exclude the interference of manganese oxide, by using sulfur to replace acetyl to exclude the interference of chromate.
2. Chlorine disinfectant effective chlorine test
The effective chlorine in chlorine disinfectants can be determined by the iodine method.
3. Chloramine test
Chloramine can be determined by spectrophotometric method.
4. Chlorine dioxide test
Chlorine dioxide can be determined by titration of ferrous ammonium sulfate, iodine measurement, and field measurement. Chlorine dioxide determination also needs to pay attention to the interference of manganese oxide, when the results are high, you can add arsenite or sulfur instead of acetyl to exclude. In addition there can be added ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt to suppress the interference of iron ion activation eye chlorate.
5. Ozone test
Ozone can be determined by iodine volume method, indigo spectrophotometry, indigo field titration method. Chlorine will interfere with the results of ozone determination. So you need to add the necessary reagents to inhibit interference.
6. Chlorate test
Chlorate can be determined by iodometric method, ion chromatography. When doing the iodometric method, care should be taken to avoid oxidation of potassium iodide by dissolved oxygen to interfere with the measurement results, and potassium bromide can be added to deal with it. When doing ion chromatography, the interference of low molecular weight organic acids can be eliminated by measuring after spiking. High sodium oxide concentration can be solved by diluting the water sample and changing the drenching conditions.
In addition to the above disinfectant analysis and testing, you can also customize other types of disinfectant product testing with us.
BOC Sciences has advanced equipment and fully functional laboratories to provide testing and certification services for various water quality products to ensure that the products meet international standards in terms of safety, non-toxicity, energy efficiency and reliability. We have experienced engineers and customer service representatives to meet customers' testing needs and provide excellent technical guidance and corrective action services; to help customers' products to be successfully promoted to the global market.
Our technical team comprises professional engineers who have been engaged in water treatment area for years. Their expertise and experience provide exceptional water treatment solutions and services for global clients.
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