Bromate Testing

Bromate Testing

Bromate (BrO3-) is recognized internationally as a Class 2B potential carcinogen and is formed by the reaction of ozone (O3) with bromide (Br-) in natural water sources such as mineral or mountain water. Bromate may exist as a byproduct of the chlorine production process and can be formed if bromides react with chlorine in open reservoirs. Usually, the formation of bromate in open reservoirs in the presence of organic matter eventually leads to the formation of bromomimetic (CHBr3). The formation of bromate in disinfected drinking water is influenced by the concentration of bromine ions, the pH of the source water, the amount of ozone, and the reaction time used to disinfect the water. Bromate can be a problem when bromides present in water react with ozone or as contaminants in hypochlorite solutions used in water treatment. Very high levels of bromate, well above drinking water standards, have been associated with nausea, abdominal pain, effects on the nervous system and kidneys, hearing loss and vomiting. Internationally, the maximum allowable concentration of bromate in drinking water is within 0.01 mg/L, as set by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Testing Services

As your water experts, BOC Sciences provides the determination of bromate in water samples and performs data analysis to ensure that water samples meet the requirements and regulations of various organizations and countries. Our team of professionals can also customize solutions for your samples to help you solve problems encountered in all types of water channels.

The main methods for the detection of bromate are ion chromatography, potentiometric titration and extraction photometry. Ion chromatography has the advantage of high accuracy, while potentiometric titration and extractive photometry also require certain equipment. We have a wide range of testing techniques that can be used for various types of water samples from our customers. For example, for bromine testing in swimming pools, spas and hot tubs, photometric methods can be used.

Separation Technology

Chromatographic separation technology

The chromatographic separation technique is based on an anion exchange resin. The sample is injected onto the column and as the matrix and analytes move along the column, they divide themselves between the mobile and stationary phases. The early eluting analytes spend most of their time in the mobile phase, while the late eluting compounds spend most of their time interacting with the stationary phase. Matrix anions can affect retention time by blocking the interaction of the stationary phase with the analyte, thus producing a variation in retention time.

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

This detection technique is based on the use of ICP-MS for the detection of trace elements. The chromatographic eluate is introduced into the RF plasma by pneumatic atomization, where the energy transfer process leads to desolvation, atomization and ionization. Ions are extracted from the plasma through a differential pumping vacuum interface and separated according to their mass-to-charge ratio by a spectrometer with a minimum resolution of 1 amu peak width and 5% peak height. The ions transmitted through the mass spectrometer are detected by an electron multiplier or Faraday detector and the ion information is processed by the data system. In this mode, the signal response is recorded by chromatography or time-resolved software.

Bromate Testing 2

Test Procedure

Sample collection

We ship you everything you need to test your drinking water, including guidelines on how to collect samples.

Shipping to the lab

Send your samples back to us for rigorous, certified independent testing.

Get the report

After our lab analyzes your sample, we'll send you a full report on what's in the water and what to do next.

If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. If the service you want is not on the list, please contact our staff and we will provide a professional customized solution for your needs.

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