Mineral Water Testing

Mineral Water Testing

Natural mineral water is a liquid mineral resource formed under certain geological conditions, unpolluted, natural, pure, safe, hygienic and healthy drinking water, free from pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances. From a nutritional point of view, it contains many healthy trace elements that meet the physiological requirements of the human body and can regulate the acid-base balance of the human body, characteristics that are not generally available in drinking water. BOC Sciences can provide customers with solutions for mineral water quality testing, including production and processing, water quality requirements, storage and transportation, and other aspects.

Testing Items

Mineral water quality testing projects can be roughly divided into trace element testing projects, contaminant testing projects, microbiological testing projects in three categories.

Trace element limit testing

From a physiological point of view, the elements according to the body's content, the elements are divided into macroelements and trace elements. Representing more than one thousandth of the total weight of the human body as macroelements. Elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, sodium and magnesium (less than one thousandth of the total body weight) are called trace elements. Such as lithium, barium, zinc, iodine, fluorine, chromium, etc. The main feature of drinking natural mineral water is a variety of trace elements for human health. Trace elements are mainly lithium, strontium, zinc, metasilicicic acid, selenium, free carbon dioxide, total dissolved solids and so on.

Contaminant limit indicator testing

Aseptic packaging is one of the important measures to control contaminants in the production of food and beverages. Mineral water production is no exception. Air purification of the filling plant is the key to aseptic packaging, its function is to avoid re-contamination of bacteria and mold in the filling process. The detection of contaminant limits can guide the improvement of air purification techniques, i.e. techniques to control the concentration of dust particles in the air. Typically, the requirements for the clean environment of a mineral water production process include air temperature, humidity, dust content, air flow rate, pressure, lighting, noise and static electricity in a clean room, among others. And the measurement of pollutant limits contain indicators of antimony, copper, barium, total chromium, manganese, you nickel, silver, bromate, borate, fluoride, oxygen consumption, volatile phenols, cyanide, mineral oil, anionic synthetic detergents, radioactive substances, etc.

Micro-objects limit indicators testing

Natural mineral water usually does not contain microorganisms or very few microorganisms. It is reported that most of the mineral water samples taken from the water source is less than 20/ml. These bacteria represent the main microbial community. Although these natural bacteria are rarely present in groundwater in their natural environment, they multiply rapidly when filled with mineral water. In addition to protozoa, there are also species that are thought to have been contaminated by mineral water, mainly drawn from the water collection tools during the filling process. Water pipes, storage tanks, filtration and filling equipment, bottles, lids and contamination paths, the survival and multiplication of microorganisms in mineral water is also related to the physical and chemical characteristics of the raw water, for example, the high content of organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen, manganese and iron in raw water when the water flow is less than 12 m/s, the water temperature is less than 20 degrees and the long water retention time also create conditions for the multiplication of healthy products. The specific test indicators are coliform, Streptococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Clostridium perfringens.

In addition to the above points, also includes the sensory requirements of mineral water quality without odor, color and other phenomena. There can be a small amount of mineral salt precipitation, but can not be observed with the naked eye the presence of foreign matter. These do not need to be measured with the aid of instruments, so generally BOC Sciences’ water quality engineers in the testing of mineral water quality, you can rely on experience testing.

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