Surface waters are lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands and creeks - bodies of water that are often sensitive to the effects of pollution and are commonly used as sources of fresh water for a variety of uses, including drinking water supplies. Surface water testing ensures the quality of drinking and bathing water, and protects ecosystems and biodiversity. Surface water testing helps ensure the safety of drinking water and recreational activities. Contaminants in surface water often originate from chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers, as well as effluent from industry, commerce, shipping or landfills. Also, when surface water is treated with disinfection chemicals such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone or bromine, reactions with natural organic matter can produce toxic or carcinogenic byproducts.
The challenge facing surface water testing is how to protect plant, wildlife and human health while still meeting the standards issued by regulatory agencies. To do this, water quality testing laboratories must employ flexible, reproducible, and sensitive analytical techniques, and BOC Sciences offers a suite of instrumentation solutions that meet the unique requirements of surface water testing, including technologies for sample preparation, liquid chromatography columns, liquid chromatography analysis, mass spectrometry, and data analysis software. Our UPLC/MS/MS and UPLC/TOF MS technologies enable chemists to quickly detect and identify the presence of various contaminants even in complex matrices.
The main measurement parameters include:
Test site
Measure surface water quality in lakes, rivers, wetlands and estuaries. Our multi-parameter instruments allow simultaneous measurement of key parameters critical to understanding, protecting and improving aquatic habitats. With baseline sampling and water quality monitoring, a record of quality over time is provided, and our continuous monitors provide high temporal resolution data to detect events such as algal blooms, fish kills, sediment plumes and flooding. This data record helps quantify changes associated with best management practices and informs decision-making.
We offer a mobile water quality testing service that allows travel to any location for rapid water quality analysis. We analyze the composition of your water, looking at chemical, biochemical and microbiological quality. Using state-of-the-art equipment and specialized computer software, results can be illustrated to clearly show you any areas of contamination that need to be addressed.
Let the world's leading inspection, qualification, testing and certification company work for you. You can contact us at any time to ensure that your water resources are used safely and economically in the future.
Our technical team comprises professional engineers who have been engaged in water treatment area for years. Their expertise and experience provide exceptional water treatment solutions and services for global clients.
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