Boiler water includes boiler feed water and boiler water treatment water. Boiler feed water is the water that is fed directly into the boiler to produce industrial steam. BOC Sciences provides boiler water testing for power stations, industrial boiler water testing, marine boiler water testing, and steam injection boiler water testing services, and the reports we issue for our customers are legally valid and can be used for product quality evaluation, scientific research results, and judicial appraisal.
Boiler make-up water is to replenish the part that is lost or supplied externally after completing a steam cycle, so that the boiler always operates at a safe water level.
When the heat of steam or hot water is used, its condensate or low-temperature water should be recycled as much as possible, and this part of the water is called production return water.
Softened water is generally treated and does not contain soluble calcium and magnesium compounds.
Water in the evaporating heating surface (DC boiler) or circulating circuit (pot boiler) of the boiler.
Boiler discharge water is the water containing slag or containing high concentration of salts discharged from the boiler.
Cooling water is the water used to take away the excess heat generated in the operation of the equipment, so that the equipment operates at a normal temperature. Generally, it is known to be recycled and can be used only after treatment of scaling, road fouling treatment, corrosion and microbial reproduction.
Turbidity, solids, pH, conductivity, hardness, total alkalinity and phenolphthalein alkalinity, carbonate alkalinity, inorganic anions, phosphate, residual and free chlorine, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, oil content, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, silicon, potassium, sodium, ammonia, etc.
Scaling water in the boiler after the heat boiling evaporation, for the impurities in the water to provide a chemical reaction and continuous concentration of conditions. When these impurities in the pot water reaches saturation, there are solids produced. The solid material produced, if suspended in the boiler becomes water slag; if attached to the heating surface, it is called scale. Boiler scaling can produce the following hazards:
Waste of fuel
The heating surface is damaged with scale boiler, due to poor heat transfer performance, the heat of fuel combustion can not be quickly transferred to the pot water, resulting in the furnace and flue gas temperature rise. As a result, the temperature difference between the two sides of the heating surface increases, the metal wall temperature rises, the strength decreases, and under the pressure of the pot, bulging occurs, and even bursting.
Lower boiler output
After boiler scaling, due to the poor heat transfer performance, to reach the rated evaporation capacity, it needs to consume more fuel, but with the increase of scaling thickness, the furnace solvent is certain, fuel consumption is limited. Therefore, the boiler output is reduced.
BOC Sciences has professional laboratory hardware and is a professional water quality testing unit that provides water quality testing services for low pressure industrial boilers. We can provide customer-specific detailed boiler water quality testing solutions, if you need it, you can contact us directly.
Our technical team comprises professional engineers who have been engaged in water treatment area for years. Their expertise and experience provide exceptional water treatment solutions and services for global clients.
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